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Putting Belief Into Action in Our Lives Together

We believe that everything we have, and everything we do, comes from God.  We are “living liturgy” in today’s world.  In thought, words, and deeds, we express and use the gifts God has given to us. We are different human beings; we don’t look alike.  But we are made in the Image of God and we reflect God’s Presence because of it.  We live, and move, and have our being, because the Holy Spirit is in us – weekly nourishing and feeding us; sustaining us – so that we can give witness to all of creation.

Each of us has different strengths, and when combined and woven together, we are the fabric that clothes the naked.  We are the bounty that feeds the hungry.  We are the hands that hold one another and our neighbors and friends when they are hurting or alone and in need of company.  And we are so very much more!

This is not the lesson the world teaches.  We learn in school – data, information, history, formulas, languages, theories, how to play together, how to grow in understanding, how to build and construct.  We are taught to think, hypothesize and theorize and solve problems.

So what is the value of “church”?  The Church is where we learn of God, the Divine Creator, the One who brought all things into being. Church is the place where we learn how to value what we know from teaching; how to make decisions, not just on the imperative, but how to include compassion and justice. Church is gathering of folks where, no matter what anyone has to contribute, they are welcome to feast at the Table.  The bounty and blessings are endless.

“Church” is the people of God, the Body of Christ, the legacy of traditions for the hope of the future.  “Church” is also the place where people gather to support one another, to rejoice, to grieve, to replenish empty hearts and bind up wounds to heal.   


At St Luke's, we believe our gifts to the church each year in the way of a pledge makes it possible for the doors to stay open; the A/C and heat to keep us comfortable; for people who visit to feel welcomed; for the soul to be refreshed.  WE offer from the abundance we have received from God’s gifts to US.  Our resources – our time, our treasure, our talents – each of these three makes it possible for us to share with one another, our friends, the neighbors around us, and the communities from which we come.

All members of St. Luke's are asked to support the church and to give – even more abundantly than ever.  Prayerfully, each one of us will give even more generously than before, because we can see future possibilities; because, spiritually, we know that God is in our midst; knowing that our contribution will ensure growing in the future, and a place for our kids, grand-kids, and all God’s children will have a place that we have all enjoyed.  Thanks be to God!


In all things, God is present, bringing us to wholeness and holiness; and a new generation of “Church” is being incorporated, enfolded into the God’s Holy Flock.  A new and creative way of “Blending Traditions … Bridging Communities.”